Hey there people!
I've setted up a group on FB where I am selling my clothes. Please do msg my inbox on FB or email to soapy707@googlemail.com if you want to purchase an item. All the information of postage etc are on the group's page.
Besides just selling my clothes, I've decided to do something good, and thus 15% of my profit will go to my choosen charity, Cancer Research Uk for Breast Cancer in this case.
I am happy to announce I have one buyer already and would like to thank her for her custom =].
Every piece of garment is a first come first serve so if you want something, be quick about it.
Pieces that dont seem very popular I will end up selling them on ebay (I'm just doing this on FB now so that all my friends could take part in donating)
Sadly I don't own any men pieces, but if my brother has a few things he wants to sell, I will inform you lads right away, but in the meantime if you could do me a favour and spread the word to all your girlfriends and sister ...and mums even! ^^
Finally I would like to thank you those who have joined the group anyway, and that I appreciate the thought in your support! =]
IF you do not wish to purchase any of my items, do consider donating a few quid to
Thank You ! ^^"
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