Thursday, 12 August 2010
To manage this, I decided to join a site thats extremely like twitter except it's in chinese, much to my surprise at the amount of celebs that go on it and how often they use it (it's rather like my ridiculous obsession with facebook).
Feel free to stalk me (but don't stalk me in the way that you go into asking me my msn and crap like that...I do not give out msn -I don't often reply people on msn anyway unless I like you or actually want to chat):
chinese blog:
新浪微薄 chinese twitter:
I do actually get annoyed by a few particular people stalking me FB.... ... ... so let's no go into my FB eh!
Thursday, 22 July 2010
One year and I still wish for the same thing
For me, no pain like this will heal entirely. It's been a year and I still wish for the same thing from day one: rewind to save you, fast-forward to see you.
I've learnt quite a bit over the year, listening to a little bit of other people's confessions about it all, noticing the changes going round then noticing the things that didn't really change at all and asking myself "when will you learn?"
Of course, I'm still the same brat as I am a year ago, the same crazy person, the same crybaby. So if you wanted to ask what I had actually learnt...well... it's hard to explain but in short, along the lines of, 勉強不會幸福的 and 知人口面不知心 -yeh I don't really know how I would explain it in english so I used chinese instead. =/ (I don't know, use google translate or something!)
Sometimes I wish I didn't learn things the hard way like this. I miss you two a lot. I may not talk about you anymore, I may not think about you each and everyday anymore, but I miss you. Sometimes, I avoid the talk and then other times I really want to talk about it. All mixed up really. =S
Grief comes in stages claims Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's On Death and Dying:
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
I've been hesitant over to write or not to write about this tonight, but as usual, I decided to, be it sensible or not, I merely had this slight hope that you two would read this. I'm not here to flick the pain switch back on for anyone, if I did, I'm sorry. =[
Hey, thanks for the lil smile when I last came visit =] I felt it. The warmth. I'm serious.
One day I'll see it for real. Time just needs to move on and so the rest of us will move with it but memories, they stay because we just don't have a delete button and even if we do, I won't delete it even if they pain me, I won't.
My part is done. I will not note of it again. There isn't much of a need anymore. The rest stays in my mind and the memories goes in my heart.
歲月不會倒流 時間不會等候 能活就去活得像戲裡面的一樣:精彩 而人生就是喜怒悲哀的 你想哭就不如大哭 因為我知道你最後一定會大笑 =]
Darlings, do you see?
520 我愛你 1314 一生一世
對不起 but too late. 我後悔了
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
I'm in HK!
I just got my hair cut today, I tried to find you guys a picture of the latest pictures of Lena Fugii as she was the inspirational image I used. I'm loving this new do although, its shorter than my usual length, I think it's good to change, besides, my hair will grow back -slowly. If in doubt opt for hair extentions lol!
I'm not happy with the colour that had came out though, I'm going to have to re-do it when I'm back in Edin =[ I thought that was a waste of money...though I'm glad my roots are gone! hahahaha
Just took off my red wine mask I bought today as well, can't tell you much about it since its my first time using it, maybe by the tenth time I'll tell you =]
So anyway lately I've been busy meeting up people and hanging with my famly (although I do admit I try to avoid it because I just don't have that mood for family stuff as bad as it's tiring and requires too much of my patience.)
I went ice skating yesterday, oh my word! I can not skate, it's been YEARS since I've put on them skates and set foot on a huge ice patch -thats not literally true since it was heavily snowed down n icy during winter =/ I fell on my bum and it hurted but I laughed it off because it was actually funny as much as I hate falling hahahahaha in the end though, it was worth giving ice skating another go after all them years =D I had fun with my little friend David who was giving a good attempt in teaching me LOL I admire the patience.
I love going out to have dinner with my friends too ^^ Sushi and korean bbq!!!! awww man I'm so satisfied!!! I thank them people for taking me to good places to eat! And for the good laugh =]
And yes, I went drinking hahahaha and yes I loved it!
I'm in HK and I'm glad to be away to forget a few things that's been bothering me back home. I'm glad to be away and I'm hoping to go home with a clear mind. I'm hoping I will stick to the plan and let my little heart heal a bit. =]
Hope you guys are having fun wherever you are. ^___________^"
ps. I know this blog is meant to be posted on my actual FB notes because it's not very cosmetic/skincare related....ahh weelllll same potato innit!
Friday, 2 July 2010
FOTD: Full volume faux lash
Sunday, 20 June 2010
REVIEW: M.A.C. Viva Glam Lipsticks
So anyway, a few weeks back, I was MAC hauling and dear lord did I haul! Whilst waiting in queue to pay for the things I've decided to purchase - which was (just so you know):
FOTD: Sun Star

Sunday, 13 June 2010
Soapy Battles Insomnia
- it's a depressant to me
- it gives me heartburn (or something like heartburn...oh I don't know I don't do cardiac)
- my breathing becomes heavy and sometimes I choke on it -not joking, I really do.
- when I do eventually fall asleep and then wake up, sometimes, my body is all numbed out -I can't really tell if its numbness, but if not, it's as if my arms and legs have become ten times heavier to move.
- this stuff don't work on me. I took them last night and I didn't sleep until hours later. occchh
- gym in the mornings
- go back on Evian/ Volvic...whatever...water will do and less less less coke, irn bru (awww man my fav drink) etc
- make sure I eat enough but not too much - because I know I can't sleep if I'm hungry.
- try not to take naps during the day, if I do though, no more than an hours nap.
- keep myself during the day - that way I won't take naps and tire myself out so that I could sleep at night
Friday, 28 May 2010

Thursday, 13 May 2010
Q and A (for a friend with questions =])
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Soapy's SOS Sale

Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Soapy's SOS Sale [intro]
The dresses I upload will be ones I've worn out to clubs and you may or may not have seen me wearing them. All my dresses should be in good condition, if they aren't I'm not selling them, and will probably reinvent with them instead.
My sizes are normally 8-10, but must I make comment that some dresses could fit people who are size 12 as they are loose clothing?!
I will rummage my wardrobe if I find anything else that may interest you.
Prices will vary and if you are out of Edinburgh, post and package will be charged. ( in this case, Edinburgh folks will have their purchases delivered.)
Anyway, need to start photographing them clothing now. See you in a bit!
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Review: Miso and Sushi
[Salmon Skin Roll]

[Agedashi Tofu]

[Chilli Beef Ramen]
After what must have be 30mins did I get my meal and another what feels like 10minutes did my friend get her bento box. There was also another customer who came in right after we had placed our order and I noticed how long he had to wait just for a bowl of ramen and complained about the wait and that he was now running late in meeting someone. In the end though, he did sit back down and ate up the ramen.
The salmon skin maki was really nice, it was what I had expected, crispy centre and the cucumber to give it extra oommmphhh although (and this is personal choice) I am not a fan of seasame seeds, but it's fine, I'm not fussy - the other option is that you could layer raw salmon on the outside but obviously that would cost more and probably take them longer to do (though my dear sushi chef friend only took about 5minutes to make me a sample).
The ramen I had was alright, but probably because I had already tried the best freshly made ramen during my trip in Paris, once I came back, no ramen here could impress me anymore, and likewise, this didn't either because they were bought from Seewoo or some place similar. The chilli beef inside was good though. I know that the Japanese don't have a hot and spicy fancy in particular (even their chilli oil, don't seem the least spicy) but I did find if this chilli beef was spicier it would've been more yum yum. This must've been to do with me being Chinese. In the end I did suggest to the manager that they could make it a tiny bit more spicier, just to bring the beef to flavour.
Now tofu...we all know how I feel about tofu. lol I love tofu so this dish had to impress me whatsoever. So glad to say, it did. =] It was just right, nothing much to say. The sauce especially, completed it.
My friend, Holly however commented how the soft shell crab was too salty and a bit dry. I assumed they must've left it in the oil for too long. Otherwise, she pretty musch enjoyed her salmon teriyaki in which she says and I quote: this must be the best salmon I've had. Her bento box came with miso soup but somehow they had forogtten about it, luckily we reminded them.
In the end, the manager chatted with us for a bit and asked for our opinion. I thought it was good that he was asking for our opinions -though we were trying to rush to St Lucas for desserts - because they are newly opened so there's a lot to be improved and learn. (He also gave us the tea for free.)
Overall, I very much enjoyed my meal despite the wait. Was also gutted how their main chef was away so we couldn't have them special desserts. Anyhow, these are their marks out of 10:
Service*: 6/10
Food: 9.5/10
Setting: 3/10
Would I ever go back? Well, I would have to make sure I have no other plans later on the evening for all the waiting, otherwise, I would go back for the salmon skin maki and to try the other dishes they offer. I would also like to see if they've improved the time we wait.
*Service was judged purely from my what I learn from work over the past 6 years from a small cafe to a highly rated restaurant (China Town). Also how long the food took to be served too is important - too long is too long we obviously came in because we want our food, some people do come in because they are starving (like I was). I also find lines like "we don't serve until we are absolutely sure it's 100% perfect" are excuses (even I used them sometimes in Arowana if there was a wait) If you are good, you're good for you will know what you are doing. I do understand however, that this isn't a fast food restaurant but we're also not going to sit here all night waiting for a few dishes I know myself don't take that long to cook.
Miso and Sushi Japanese Restaurant
46a Haymarket Terrace
Facebook group:!/group.php?gid=115440398475075&v=info&ref=ts
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Happy Birthday Phil!
Love for the mini Diana

Of course I could achieve the same result with the help of photo editing programs like Photoshop, Photoscape etc. But the thought of carrying this convient mini camera around which takes pictures to the result I adore so much, seems like a good idea to give it a good thought whether to buy it or not. Still in the middle of thinking hahaha.
Sigh...Perhaps I'll give up this idea after a few days since I have a long list of slimming products to get to =P But the point is, I like the concept of the Diana mini. =]
[I would write more, bu I haven't slept (insomnia) so my brain isn't functioning too well =="]
Thursday, 8 April 2010
The welcome note
Normally in my blogs I talk a lot about myself and my thoughts etc etc etc... However, I'll try not to write too much about my personal life and blah blah blah because *yawn* it'll bore you. Instead I'm hoping to write a lot on art, fashion, beauty and style as well as anything else I find really interesting along the way ie. books, movies, food and restaurants.
Gotta go fix this page, but will keep posting later! =]
ps. yes I am indeed bored.